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How to have Summer without leaving the Country

Its coming to the time of year when West Australian's are having to trade up their shorts for jeans and singlets for jumpers. But what if I told you that you could still have the beautiful Summer weather of Western Australia without leaving the country for Winter?

Of course everything comes with a price, and this price is an 11 and a half hour drive from Perth, plus some extra cash (as to be expected). This place is called Coral Bay which is an amazing, magical place of relaxation, with a re-energising atmosphere. This extra cash would be for fuel, food and shelter whether that's camping, motel or hotel (which are all available in this wonderful place).

On your drive up you can make a pit stop in Kalbarri or Geraldton for the night, if you want a break from driving or even stop along at Ningaloo, to snorkel their famous beach that people dream of experiencing!

Coral Bay is one of those places that you can get lost in, and adventure in safely without the stress of being attacked if you walked down the street by yourself at midnight, (not that you shouldn't still keep yourself safe, and wary). This place is so safe, and a great fit for children and adults!

It's close to the beach where you are able to go snorkelling (with turtles if your lucky), swimming (of course), hire quad-bikes, inspect the coral, go 4xW Driving and look at the stars which are so visible because of the lack of lights. It also has a bakery and a small convenience store, with a surfers shop, and a cute little hippie shop, with of course a few restaurants, and a bar.

Though pre-warning if you are going up for the Warm Coral Bay days, you have to prepare for the chilly winter nights, where you will need to be rugged up and make sure your feet don't fall off from frostbite!

And if you get tired of the beautiful weather and amazing sights somehow, you can take a quick trip up to Exmouth where you are able to go snorkelling with Whale Sharks if it's the correct season! It has a few more shops (that are a bit more affordable) and a few extra things that you are able to do.

If you don't visit Coral Bay this Winter or at least once in your lifetime you're missing out and I would know. It was one of my all time favourite vacations, filled with old and new friends, new experiences and maybe even a bit of romance...

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